2021 Senior Graduation happened Sunday May 22, 2021. Our seniors this year were:
Johnathan (Tal) Abbe (Salutatorian)
Aiden Hicks
Eliott Liberale (Exchange Student from Belgium)
Jocelyn Rehier
Vianney Cabeza (Exchange student from Mexico)
Petar Zugic (Exchange student from Montenegro)
Tal Abbe, our Salutatorian, gave a beautiful speech and ended thanking those who helped the graduating class on their journey to finishing school. The Commencement speech was given by Amy Jones who is the second/third grade teacher of the elementary school. Amy’s speech spoke personally towards the graduates and was a very inspirational moment for the seniors. Scholarships were awarded to:
Jocelyn Reiher- $200 Raney Scholarship
Aiden Hicks- $500 United Methodist Church Scholarship
Aiden Hicks- $500 Miglioretto Scholarship
We would like to thank all of the family members, friends, and the community for your active sponsorship and support of the Huntington School District. Thank you to those who took part in the graduation. Good Luck seniors and make us proud!
Mr. Bullock Addressing the Seniors and audience
Tal Abbe giving his speech
Aiden Hicks receiving his diploma
Jocelyn Reiher receiving her diploma
Petar Zugic receiving his diploma

Eliott Liberale receiving his diploma

Tal Abbe receiving his diploma
Vianney Cabeza receiving her diploma
They Did it!
The Parade