January 17, 2023
The Huntington High School Locomotives have had a great start to their basketball season. The girls' basketball team has started their season off with an 8-3 record, taking losses...
January 14, 2023
From Freshmen to Senior year, schools set up various ways to help you figure out your future. Huntington Charter School offers a College & Career course that includes college cam...
September 21, 2022
Football is a contact sport in which physical strength and speed are important. But the most important thing in football is tactics and the captain’s ability to make contact with ...

May 25, 2022
Aman Tilenbaev is an exchange student from Kyrgyzstan who will be missed after graduation. His favorite high school experience has been sports. Aman’s future plans after graduatin...

May 25, 2022
Micah’s favorite high school experience was when he spent the night with Colton and David at the dorms. His future plans are to go to BTI in Baker, so he can get certified in we...

May 25, 2022
One of the seniors graduating this year is Damion Klosky, class of 2022, and here are his favorite memories, future plans, and just in general high school experience here in Hu...

May 25, 2022
The end of this year is getting really close, for some this year is another year, but for others like the seniors this year is very important.
Maria is a senior from Huntington...

May 25, 2022
One of the seniors graduating this year, class of 2022, is Bryce Klosky.
Bryce Klosky has been going to the Huntington School since 8th grade. He is Valedictorian and also Se...

May 24, 2022
One of our seniors for this year's graduating Class of 2022, Colton Mathews, answered a few questions before he graduates on the 28th. This year, he was Vice President of the Stu...

May 24, 2022
The countdown has started. Phan Le Chi Thanh (or Danny), our Vietnamese exchange student, is about to graduate from Huntington, and explore the outside world full of wonders....

April 20, 2022
Our Thailand exchange student, Alan Chokecharoenkiatti, has his own YouTube channel “Alan Pae”. In his YouTube channel, he has released 14 episodes. In his videos he shows activit...

April 20, 2022
On April 13, 2022 the Boise, Idaho Shakespeare program came to Huntington high school to put on the classic Romeo and Juliet play for the whole high school and middle school. It ...

April 20, 2022
Every year the seniors have to spend a certain amount of hours doing community service in order to graduate. Last year's seniors didn't have to do one because of covid, but this y...

March 1, 2022
The Huntington Journalism class has been working hard on creating a beautiful yearbook for 2022. We have been able to do quite a bit of fundraising to bring down the price of the...

February 8, 2022
The 58th annual Middle School Basketball Tournament is approaching. This event will be occurring February 25th and 26th. There will be 16 teams playing, 8 boys teams and 8 girls...

September 30, 2021
The Homecoming Parade route will not be going down main street this year. The parade will follow the route used for the graduation parade. The Homecoming Parade will be held o...

July 26, 2021
The Huntington School District is excited to announce that it will once again be supplying basic school supplies to all students grades K-12. I am sure everyone will be happy to ...

May 24, 2021
2021 Senior Graduation happened Sunday May 22, 2021. Our seniors this year were:
Johnathan (Tal) Abbe (Salutatorian)
Aiden Hicks
Eliott Liberale (Exchange Stu...

May 19, 2021
I know the purpose of this article is to provide advice to all students here at the Huntington School. However, I am going to take a different route and focus on one group of stu...

May 17, 2021
Co-winners of the First Annual Huntington Middle & High School 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament. David Hornung, Elliot Liberale and Vino Pawalitkosol Colton Mathews, Tylie Garfi...