Every year the seniors have to spend a certain amount of hours doing community service in order to graduate. Last year's seniors didn't have to do one because of covid, but this year's seniors were up to the challenge. If you didn't know, foreign exchange students also have to do a certain amount of hours of community service and were able to join and help the senior’s with the community project. The class of 2022 senior project was to take the picnic tables from the Lions park located downtown in Huntington and refinish them so they can be of better use to the community. The first thing the seniors had to do was ask for permission to go downtown and take the picnic tables up to the school so they could work on them and as you can tell, they said yes. Mr. Chandler and his 5th period welding class were generous enough to help out the seniors and brought all the picnic tables up to the school. The tables sat at the school until April 9th then the seniors and the foreign exchange students started to work on them. They had two separate groups, one group would sand the table’s and the other group would paint the tables. The seniors and foreign exchange students were up at the school from 8:00am to 4:00pm. They worked hard and had a lot of fun bonding with each other while getting messy. In the end, they got all the tables sanded and painted and they look wonderful. We hope to see more families make memories sitting at the tables in the park.

Senior Project
April 20, 2022